Help Us Fill Our Theater With Stars!

In recognition of Frank Capra’s great interest in astronomy and in remembrance of his “old friend” Edwin P. Hubble, the theater in The Seneca Falls It’s a Wonderful Life Museum will be filled with stars and planets, placed there in memory of people who have made a difference in our lives.

Want to place a Planet, Constellation or Star in the new Museum in honor of a person or persons who have impacted your life? Make a donation or enter our “Best Essay” contest below for a chance to win!

Place a Star for $100:

Name of Person(s) to Honor

Place a Planet:

Name of Person(s) to Honor

Constellation Families

The Zodiac: $5,000 each
Gemini (the twins) Best Essay; Capricornus (the goat); Aquarius (the water bearer); Pisces (the fish); Aries (the ram); Taurus (the bull); Cancer (the crab); Leo (the lion); Virgo (the virgin); Libra (the scales); Scorpius (the scorpion); Sagittarius (the archer);

Ursa Major Family: $3,000 each — 10 constellations (circulating the northern celestial pole: Ursa Major (the big bear — contains the Big Dipper); Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs); Boötes (the herdsman); Coma Berenice (Berenice’s hair); Corona Borealis (the northern crown); Camelopardalis (the giraffe); Lynx (the lynx); Draco (the dragon); Leo Minor (the little lion). Ursa Minor (the little bear — contains Polaris, the North Star — Best Essayalready selected)

The Perseus Family: $3,000 each — 9 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Perseus:  Cetus (the whale);  Cepheus (the king); Andromeda (the princess); Perseus (the Medusa killer); Pegasus (the flying horse — already sponsored); Auriga (the chariot driver); Lacerta (the lizard); Triangulum (the triangle); Cassiopeia (the queen — Best Essay (already selected);

The Hercules Family: $3,000 each –19 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Hercules
Hercules (the hero); Sagitta (the arrow); Aquila (the eagle); Lyra (the lyre); Cygnus (the swan); Vulpecula (the little fox); Hydra (the water snake); Sextans (the sextant); Crater (the cup); Corvus (the crow); Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer); Serpens (the snake); Scutum (the shield); Centaurus (the centaur); Lupus (the wolf); ; Ara (the altar); Triangulum Australe (the southern triangle); Crux (the southern cross); Corona Australis (the southern crown — Best Essay – already selected)

The Orion Family: $3,000 each — 5 constellations:  Monoceros (the unicorn — Best Essay); Orion (the hunter); Canis Major (the big dog) – already sponsored; Canis Minor (the little dog); Lepus (the rabbit);

The Heavenly Waters (aka the Cosmic Waters): $3,000 each — 9 constellations whose names are related to water
; Delphinus (the dolphin); Equuleus (the little horse); Vela (the ship’s sails — already sponsored); Puppis (the ship’s stern); Eridanus (the river); Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish); Carina (the ship’s keel); Pyxis (the ship’s compass); Columba (the dove — Best Essay — already selected)

the Bayer Group: $3,000 each –11 Southern Hemisphere constellations depicting animals, named by Johann Bayer in 1603:  Musca (the fly); Hydrus (the water snake); Dorado (the swordfish); Volans (the flying fish); Apus (the bird of paradise); Pavo (the peacock); Grus (the crane); Tucana (the toucan); Indus (the Indian); Chamaeleon (the chameleon); Phoenix (the phoenix) — Best Essay (already selected)

the La Caille Family: $3,000 each — 13 Southern Hemisphere constellations, named by Nicolas Louis de La Caille in 1756 Reticulum (the net); Norma (the surveyor’s level); Fornax (the furnace); Circinus (the compass); Telescopium (the telescope); Microscopium (the microscope); Sculptor (the sculptor); Caelum (the chisel); Antlia (the pump); Pictor (the easel); Octans (the octant); Mensa (the table); Horologium (the clock — Best Essay — already selected);

Donate Online

Specific Constellation Name
Name of Person(s) to Honor

Or over the phone

Contact the Museum at 315-568-5838 and we can work out the details of your donation.